WhyNot got me thinking of Hasseferfer

As you look at that picture, keep clarity in your thinking, as in… who should the fruits of your labor, you and your family or the rabbits, any other thinking is a waste of time and effort, so work the problem.

Something that was told to me as a kid, I’ve never forgotten it

“Take care of the land, and the land will take care you “

This here is a live trap for those that don’t know anything about trapping, might be a good time to learn of such things.

Save yourself money and build live traps, they are not hard

scrap wood will work just fine

Here’s a link to learn of trapping

Survival Trapping 101

When I harvest something from the woods, either sis or I will mother dinner with mustgo’s ( what you didn’t eat today, must go tomarrow ) so there’s no wasting, these days no one can afford to waste anything. When I do something with rabbit for her, she always tells of time I had come home with a snow shoe rabbit it’s feet over my 8 year old shoulders with it’s head dragging on the ground. Biggest rabbit I ever got with the 22/410 over/under. Sis uses it for squirrel eradication.

Hassenferfer is a German sour rabbit stew, Think I’ll do her a Southwestern style rabbit.

live trapped and done proper as I was taught

Haveahart sounds vagan-ish, it also reminds of a song that is connected to sis’s teevee husband


When she’s done processing a deer, very little tallow is to be found

Thing about rabbit fur, it sheds so be ready for that if you decide to fashion something from it