As the stomach churns

That globe has the borders of the old Soviet Union which includes the satellite nations

the world has changed greatly since I bought those book ends

I do like how Victor is handing his border situation

you don’t have reason to smile, well I’ll give you one
so smile damnit

That’s enough, knock it off already pay attention

Heard tell, when 2 or more are gathered in His name, He’s there.

Living where I do, it’s normally a one on one conversation which the commieratbastard RED pope is never apart of

“So what you’re tell me Jesus, you were a threat to government, so they sent the goons who were just doing thier job, following orders while never missing a meal because they get paychecks, that about sum up the situation Jesus?, the soul must be a very precious item for such battle to waged over “.

It is Chance

As you know Jesus, Valhalla! or in the english.. Heaven

I don’t want my last breath to be taken as I throw a juice at nurse Ratched

What the teevee in America don’t show, I’ll show you

in Australia, August 2021. They forced 24,000 kids into a stadium, no parental consent, while police standing guard

and vaccinated them all.

3 died instantly.

An Aussie Vet of 43 years reported

Which brings us to HB4640 is scheduled to be heard in the Illinois House Human Services Committee on Wednesday, February 2 at 9:00 AM.

This bill would allow the state to “isolate or quarantine persons who are unable or unwilling to receive vaccines, medications, or other treatments.”

It’s not just a Canadian problem

Here’s some kids from Oberstufenchor Cusanus Gymnasium, Germany

give them your time