Biden Falls Flat in Latest Head to Head Matchup Poll Against Trump

Nick Arama | RedState

How long has Joe Biden been down in the polls? Ever since last year and the debacle in Afghanistan. That’s a long time and he hasn’t been able to figure out a way to get out of the basement.

Biden may have thought that dealing with the Russian situation might have helped him and would have people rallying around him. Except the problem is he’s handled it poorly right down the line, ever since he came into office and waived sanctions on Nord Stream 2 and cut our own energy production ability, then waved a flag to Vladimir Putin essentially signaling a “minor incursion” wasn’t going to be met with a severe backlash.

While he had sanctions he could have dropped and Ukraine was begging for them to be dropped to prevent the invasion, he refused. Then he said “no sanctions would have prevented it” even though his team had been saying for a month that the threat of sanctions was designed to prevent Putin from acting.

Americans look at his actions like that and 59 percent say Putin moved in because of Biden’s weakness. They can see it. 62 percent also said the invasion wouldn’t have happened under President Donald Trump.

So no, Biden isn’t getting any lift in the polls from this situation at all and when you look at the polls toward 2024, even the Democrats are saying no, no, no to Joe Biden just before he is about to deliver his State of the Union address.

According to the Washington Examiner, just 23% of Democratic primary voters would choose Biden for a second term, according to a survey from McLaughlin & Associates, a GOP polling firm. That’s got to make the Democrats sit up and take notice and realize they have a problem. He’s practically screaming to get primaried with numbers like that.

But the problem is that the people whose names have been tossed around as the “back-ups” are just as bad and their numbers are even worse than Biden’s.

Notably, support for 2016 Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton, who has stirred new reports that she’s eager to run again, came from just 4% of Democratic primary voters. And Vice President Kamala Harris is also an afterthought at 7%.

Hillary Clinton has been doing all she can to get out there and have people see her again. Of course, that’s the problem. When they see her they’re reminded of all the reasons people didn’t vote for her.

The top issue that is hurting Joe Biden is inflation.

In his analysis for Newsmax, McLaughlin said, “Two-thirds, 64%, of all voters say that America is on the wrong track. Only 32% say, ‘right direction.’ As gas and food prices rise, the top issue is inflation. The number of voters saying the economy is in recession rose to 57%. Two-thirds, 63%, of the voters say the economy is getting worse, and only 31% said that it is getting better. This is the worst economic result since the coronavirus pandemic caused the economic shutdown in March and April of 2020.”

This guy speaks for everyone on this issue:

This is what Biden has brought.

Meanwhile, Biden is trying to sell that the economy is just great and people are just “psychologically” upset over COVID. It’s a disconnect that keeps offending the voters.

The survey found a lot of desire for President Donald Trump to run again and he indicated during his CPAC speech that he might do just that. It also found that he’d crush the competition.

The survey said that not only do Republican primary voters want Trump to run for a third time, 66%-22%, but it also found that Trump would beat Biden, Clinton, and Harris.

In fact, pollster John McLaughlin predicted an “electoral landslide,” telling Secrets, “Trump would win the needed battleground states by an even higher margin” than in 2020.

They now can see the reality of Biden – and not what they were sold by the Democrats – and can compare it more fairly to Trump. It’s not surprising that a lot would now be running back to Trump.

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