I’ll slide this in

The folks in the south have Bristol, Richmond, Daytona just name a few, we don’t have those…

snow, we have snow , so the old saying holds true as in

“you may not get all you want, but be damn happy you got something ”

that was a reference to something I once said before the yard stick found danknee and then me. At the time we heard singing coming from the jym, being curious as we were we went to find out what the girls were singing.

” We must we must, we must increase the bust, bla blabla the boys depend on us more bla blabla.

Enough of that

This weekend is the I-500 , which got me remembering the old show called Rat Patrol , they operated on sand, in and out no phucking about. then I was working on the problem of, just how many gun shops are in America?, those are tweet out machines, just like the race cars down south, lots of know-how found in the garages.

This time

We ride together