I Get So Emoj-tional, Baby
NPR Outpaces Babylon Bee
NPR (being totally serious): “Some white people may choose 👍 because it feels neutral — but some academics argue opting out of 👍🏻signals a lack of awareness about white privilege, akin to society associating whiteness with being raceless.”
Rebel News: “In an article written by not one, but three separate authors, the piece on publicly-funded NPR argues that your failure to use the right colour emoji in text messages could make you a racist.”
Twitchy: “Since the tech companies are behind emoji, they’ve been at the forefront of woke. They added different skin colors. They added families with same-sex parents. They added a pregnant man. But if you’re one of those white people who uses the default yellow thumbs-up sign, academics say you might be signaling a lack of awareness about white privilege.”
“Government-funded clickbait.”
Lauren Chen: “Measuring ‘privilege’ through emoji usage is the most privileged thing I’ve ever heard of”
Miranda Devine: “Defund NPR… NPR ignored Hunter Biden but sent three reporters to investigate how the ‘thumbs-up’ emoji is racist”
The Reviews Are In
Bowtie Guy: “This is a good emoji for @NPR🖕🏾
Tired of hearing the opinions of ‘academics.’”
Krystal: “Those who wrote this really only need one emoji 🤡”
JC: “Emoji for NPR 💩”
Laura: “please. i’m begging you. shut the fuck up”
Mixed Virtue Signals
Townhall: “”NPR itself has not been careful about its evidently problematic use of emojis”
“✌🏻 rosanna arquette“: “I am white but I always choose a Black emoji🙏🏿 because black has always been beautiful to me since I was a child and I honor Black human beings.”
Donna: “By ‘always’ she means since yesterday’s NPR emoji tweet.”
Okay, I am now joining the defund NPR movement.
They have been a waste of taxpayer money for quite a while; however, this is beyond idiotic!