Welcome to Thursday, 17 February Conversation

 Over Black Coffee and Gunpowder Tea served with  I thought today we could have a brief…

Malarkey-Name Game

Everyone Not Far-Left Must Be Far-Right! Paul Joseph Watson: “At this point, ‘right-wing’ has basically just…

We are there, you just don’t see us

that’s a fair assessment of the yooper attitude, what follows are examples of what I speak…

Welcome to Wednesday, 16 February Conversation

 Over Black Coffee and Gunpowder Tea served with  Remember how Nancy Piglosi’s podium was taken January…

Welcome to Tuesday, 15 February Conversation

 Over Black Coffee and Gunpowder Tea served with  The Canadian Freedom Convoy is a perfect representation…

What War Movies Do You Love

This post was inspired by a tweet from an account called Fighting on Film, a war/historical…

Welcome to Monday, 14 February Conversation

 Over Black Coffee and Gunpowder Tea served with  Today is Hallmark and candy companies big day.…

Project Farm: Tap and Die Sets

This week on Project Farm, Todd tests tap and die sets. He tests sets from Craftsman,…

Pentagon to Host Lecture…

Pentagon to Host Lecture on Bending to China: ‘The Case For Global Justice and Democratic Socialism’…

Welcome to Sunday, 13 February Conversation

 Over Black Coffee and Gunpowder Tea served with