Report: School Allegedly Makes List of ‘Insubordinate’ Parents…

Report: School Allegedly Makes List of ‘Insubordinate’ Parents to ‘Watch’

On Tuesday night, radio host Monica Matthews of Clear Talk Media tweeted a communication allegedly between two officials at The Lovett School — a prestigious private K-12 school in Atlanta. It immediately got a lot of attention on Twitter and raised a lot of eyebrows. It’s easy to see why.

The communication purports to be between two officials at the school and says it is a “preliminary list” of many parents who have been deemed “insubordinate.” One staffer wrote that she was “disgusted by some of these parents” and talked about the “need to prioritize our efforts as some have too much influence.”

“Our watch list-to keep hard copy only? Confirm!”

Todd Starnes has reached out to the school and they have not responded back yet.

It’s not clear what specifically this is about and it’s not clear why you would ever put parents on a “watch list,” but there are a lot of people listed and such a list about parents is extremely concerning.

According to their website, the tuition for students kindergarten through fifth grade at The Lovett School is $27,675. It’s $32,130 for grades 6-12. That’s not counting other fees such as for books and uniforms.

This comes in a climate where parents are facing backlash from other schools on a variety of subjects including COVID restrictions and what’s being taught in the classroom. Pushback by parents in Virginia was considered a big factor in Republican Gov. Glenn Youngkin’s win in the state.

The NSBA also caused concerns after they sent a letter to the White House — which they had coordinated with the White House — demonizing parents as potential terrorists. The DOJ then used that letter to say they would be coordinating with schools to look into potential threats from parents. The NSBA later retracted and apologized for the letter but the DOJ did not apologize or stop its actions.

It will be interesting to see how the school responds to this. But the notion of school officials concocting lists of “insubordinate” parents (who is supposed to answer to whom?!) is troubling, to say the least.
February 9, 2022 By: Nick Arama

Comment/Opinion: …”The NSBA later retracted and apologized for the letter but the DOJ did not apologize or stop its actions.” In the interests of time; this is the most effective solution for those parents, and/or teachers, who are faced with School Councils/Boards who refuse to listen to their concerns. Below is a Surety Bond example from New Mexico. However, each state & School Board has a Surety Bond…check on line for the one applicable to your state.

A.     From among its members, a local school board shall elect a president, a vice-president and a secretary.   

B.     Before assuming the duties of office, the president and secretary of a local school board and the superintendent of schools of a school district shall each obtain an official bond payable to the school district and conditioned upon the faithful performance of their duties during their terms of office. The bonds shall be executed by a corporate surety company authorized to do business in this state. The amount of each bond required shall be fixed by the local school board but shall not be less than five thousand dollars ($5,000).   

C.     A local school board may elect to obtain a schedule or blanket corporate surety bond covering all local school board members and school district administrators and employees for any period not exceeding four years.   

D.     The cost of bonds obtained pursuant to this section shall be paid from the operational fund of the school district. The bonds shall be approved by the director of the public school finance division [secretary] and filed with the secretary of finance and administration.   

Sample of Parent Filing a Letter of Intent (below) and her claim against the Surety Bond. It should be noted all elected officials (Mayors, Councillors, etc) carry Surety Bonds. Clif High was the original individual who brought this forward in to the public eye