Are you not entertained

Hi I’m Howard Cosell from Wide World of Sports and I just looked into the future

you’re not going to believe what I’m about to tell you

When I read about the Chechens marching to Ukraine, a name came to mind, Orson Wells, that guy had a voice for narration, Citizen Kane was probably his best work. Movie critics always find something to complain about, hollywierd always takes a bit of truth, spins a story into something unrecognizable to where the truth doesn’t matter anymore, it’s what they do.

you ever hear a helicopter in the distance and stop whatever you’re doing for absolutely no reason

in my case , I was getting a coffee

Where was I, ohh yeah, you’re fine, try to keep up, there’s a lot NORDIC blood running these woods, so books are a good thing, you learn stuff about distant people and places as in Ukriane and Prince Oleg

( Viking type )

send in the TARTARS!

fox news, they can be entertaining

we need counter-balance to be fair