Yes, that was once said to me as I was grabbed by the ear outside with added
” no self-respecting woman is going to marry you!”.
Ever notice when you go into a supermarket, how it’s laid out. Meat, dairy, bread and the veggies are along the outer walls of the building, which means all the FAKE food is in the middle isles.
People staying home more for obvious reasons
it’s good to know things such as
I prefer sardines sammiches over lard sammiches
Lard comes from pork
Say a brick of lard costs $3.00 but you don’t have the 3 bucks to buy it
now what?
short video for learning purposes
Lard and bacon grease was made and used far more then buying cooking oil , maybe that’s why I don’t do the choke – n – pukes ( fast food ) .
Smoked chicken or deep fried?
Always buy whole chicken
in conclusion , say you do go out to eat and feeling like fish
Have them bring the fish for you to smell , you’ll know straight away if it’s fresh or not
they won’t take offense
people tap the cantalupe for freshness
it’s the same thing besides
who cares what others think it’s not them who’s is going to eat it