Hello Joshua

If you play chess, you’ll appreciate this, if you don’t

you’ll get a clue on just how violent chess actually can be

file this under

Be nice get nice

it all sounds so familiar

some food for thought:

Only by using non-destructive weapons that can kill many people will we be able to reserve America for ourselves. There has been rapid development of modern biological technology, and new bio-weapons have been invented one after another. Of course, we have not been idle, in the past years we have seized the opportunity to master weapons of this kind. We are capable of achieving our purpose of “cleaning up” America all of a sudden.

Globalists like Klaus Schwab and the World Economic Forum are confident of their technocratic domination of human beings as they work toward what they call the Great Reset, where “you’ll own nothing. And you’ll be happy.”2

Islamic supremacists are manufacturing their own expanding waves of jihad, slavery, and death, with Iran, Turkey, and now the Taliban in Afghanistan committed to the death of America, the Great Satan.

Presented with such implacable enemies, what shall America do? Shall we lay down our arms out of fear? Shall our leaders facilitate the destruction of America by accepting bribes from China and yielding to blackmail? Many of them have done so. Shall we watch as our young people fall victim to malicious propaganda and turn against their homeland?

Unless we are rooted in the spirit of freedom with the will to fight, we will eventually be conquered by peoples who will lay waste to America.

Our national spirit is in severe danger of being entirely lost. Many confused young people, adrift in a sea of disinformation, are unable to step up with boldness and strength. Even if they have not abandoned the original vision of America, they must be trained and ready. But now, too many young people huddle in safe spaces and live in fear.

George Washington wrote:

To expect, then, the same service from raw and undisciplined recruits, as from veteran soldiers, is to expect what never did and perhaps never will happen. Men, who are familiarized to danger, meet it without shrinking; whereas troops unused to service often apprehend danger where no danger is

We are a very long way from the days of General George S. Patton, who, in speaking to soldiers on their way to battle on the beaches of Normandy, declared:

The kind of man that I want in my command is just like the lieutenant in Libya, who, with a Luger against his chest, jerked off his helmet, swept the gun aside with one hand, and busted the hell out of the Kraut with his helmet

As far as I’m concerned, the KGB gave birth to the antiwar movement in America.

During my last meeting with Andropov, he said, wisely, “now all we have to do is to keep the Vietnam-era anti-Americanism alive.” Andropov was a shrewd judge of human nature. He understood that in the end our original involvement would be forgotten, and our insinuations would take on a life of their own. He knew well that it was just the way human nature worked.

Even Yuri Andropov would be flabbergasted at how perilously close America is to total defeat. Yet, we must ensure that Andropov’s evil plan does not succeed. We must rise and brush away the cloud of ash threatening to bury what Abraham Lincoln called, 160 years ago, “the last best hope of earth.”6

How will we do this? We must educate our youth and re-educate adults that even though Americans are an imperfect people, the Founders’ vision of a constitutional republic has never been matched. We must thoroughly reject the destructive accusations and lies of globalists, Marxists, and jihadists who will not replace America with a better society, but will—if we let them—turn the entire world into a prison.

More than anything else, we must be bold and strong and indefatigable in our determination to defend the consecrated freedoms that God has given to all people everywhere.

God Bless

