It’s a natural barrier to the Insanity

That is why there are warnings on the radio/ teevee, do not let kids dig tunnels in the snowbanks along the streets, it’s a snowplow with circular blades.

what 10 feet snowbanks look like

it’s a small matter

Have a tape measure?

walk off 300 inches and you’ll find it equates to 25 feet of snow

Tuesday, we got 16 inches which brings the total so far is 300.5 inches and it’s snowing right now.

(don’t care)

Some places want you to dress up just to get in the joint, the 300 club has but one rule

if you don’t get 300 or more inches of snow, you cannot join the club.

Want news? I’ll give you news

People are now finally understanding why I hate shipping or should I say

welcome to club

Shipping has become a big self-inflicted wound, done on purpose

Nothing has been built

Nothing is Back

Nothing is better

Went into a store looking around just to see what they got , started talking with the lady , I noticed word usage is slightly different than mine, ( not much but some ). So where ya from I asked? down around the Champion area she said , well that explains the language, then I asked, what happened to you?

15 years out in California she said, said she was picking up some really bad habits, so she came back home. What kind of bad habits?

I was getting lazy she replied

not sure why but Marie Laveau to mind anyways, I’m snooping around, let me see that knife , she said he was in military , young fella and that’s all she would say of him. Didn’t have the askin price in cash , using plastic don’t help small business , told her put a note on it ” Pending” she got pretty hand writing , probably knows cursive

polished stone from the lake with pancake sheath

Ever ask

” how much for this furnished apartment?”

Sir…. this is a gun store