Malarkey-Belligerent Biden

They really and truly should keep the resident of 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue in the residence. His total inability to stay on script of what his speech writers provide is going to have dire consequences one day.

Biden, Belligerent Zucchini

Belligerent Zucchini
Daily Mail: “Biden is slammed for his ‘unscripted’ declaration that Putin ‘cannot remain in power’: Experts fear ‘off-the-cuff’ remark will escalate tensions
-Biden appeared to call for regime change in Russia during speech on Saturday on Warsaw
-‘For God’s sake this man cannot remain in power,’ he said in unscripted remark
-The call for Putin’s removal from power alarmed foreign policy experts who say it will escalate tensions
-They warn that appearing to back Putin into a corner could give him ‘nothing to lose’
-Kremlin responded with instant fury to Biden’s comment, saying the US has no say in Putin’s leadership 
-White House scrambled to attempt to clarify Biden’s remarks, insisting he was not calling for regime change”

National Review: “Careless Talk Costs Lives: Biden’s Gift to Putin”
“Another unforced error from Biden, and a reminder that the road from Kabul to Kyiv has not been a long one.”

Michael Goodwin: “President Biden’s Putin speech in Poland is a catastrophe”
“This was at least the fourth time on the three-day trip that something Biden said had to be walked back, cleaned up, clarified or refuted. 
-No, there will not be food shortages in America, despite what he suggested. 
-No, American troops in Poland are not headed to Ukraine, despite what Biden told them.
-No, the United States will not use chemical weapons, even if Russia does, despite the president seeming to threaten it would. 
-And now no, we’re not pushing for regime change in Russia.”

He does manage to provide cartoonist with material.