Malarkey – Energy

The Biden cabal continues to seek oil from everyone in the world; Russia, Saudi Arabia, and Iran. Further, there is discussion of waiving sanctions against Venezuela to obtain oil from there. Hmmm, why use sources readily available when you can deal with tyrants and despots?

Ordering Takeout From Filthy Foes​​

There’s No Fool Like An Old Fool
Bobby Jindal op-ed headline: “Biden’s War on Affordable Energy”

Steve Milloy: “Putin threats nuclear war. Biden frets CO2 emissions. Amazing.”

“From high gas prices to compromised national security, Biden is crushing Americans with climate idiocy.”

Blue Check Beth: “Joe Biden does in fact have a robust plan to address climate change: nuclear winter.”

Newsmax: “Joe Biden has steadfastly doubled down on his energy and climate policies – a stubborn persistence that experts say is not only costing Americans at the pump but also has unraveled a burgeoning shift toward U.S. energy independence.”

WSJ Ed Board headline: “A Lesson in Energy Masochism”

Progressive Puppet Masters
Larry O’Connor: “Biden’s climate change and Iran nuclear deal agendas have influenced his decisions on Russia/Ukraine. He’s compromised. Not by Putin, but by the radical agenda of his Party.”
Steve Hilton: “Biden is too scared of the extremist ‘climate’ zealots running his party to stand up to Putin properly”

Sleepy’ With The Enemy
Dinesh D’Souza: “Does anyone think it’s better for the US to get its oil from Tehran than Texas?”
Sen. Rubio: “Rather than produce more American oil he wants to replace the oil we buy from one murderous dictator with oil from another murderous dictator”
David Reaboi: “Imagine how stupid you have to be to support the halt domestic energy production while going to Iran and Venezuela in the midst of a conflict with Russia (while still buying its oil). Mind-boggling.”
As The World Burnz: “Iran: ‘Death to the west! US: ‘Please, may we have your oil?'”

Unilateral Disarmament
Dean Stoltzfus: “Explain to me like I’m 5 why drilling for oil in Russia or Iran or anywhere else doesn’t harm the environment? Only in North America does drilling for oil put us on the verge of climate annihilation.”
Steve Hilton: “Biden is ok with Russian oil. He wants OPEC and Saudi Arabia to pump more oil. Now he even wants Iranian oil. Democrat ‘climate’ policy: oil is good, unless it’s American.”
Catharine O’Neill: “According to the Biden Admin: The climate crisis worsens when the US drills for oil & gas and builds new pipelines. However, when Saudi Arabia, Venezuela, Iran, & Russia drill and build pipelines with little to no regulations, the climate crisis…disappears! Like magic!”
Michael Greer: “What difference to ‘Climate Change’ does it make if we get our oil from Russia, Iran or USE OUR OWN? Why are we BUYING oil when we could be SELLING it? Please someone explain how buying oil from our enemies instead of drilling our OWN helps ‘Climate Change.'”
Sen. Manchin: “It makes no sense to be the superpower of the world and to be this vulnerable… This is wrong.”
President Trump: “Unless everybody is going to do it, it makes us non-competitive.” 

Desperate Times Yet?
FOX: “A ‘MUSK’-READ: Tesla CEO @elonmusk takes unlikely position on US oil production”
FOX: “UNLEASHING OUR OIL: @SenTedCruz introduces bill to ‘restore American energy independence’”