Malarkey – Free Speech

I believe there is not a one here on Milvet that has not watched the steady disintegration of our freedom of speech. Daily Malarkey has an excellent offering.

We Do As We Please.
Say One Thing And You’re Canceled. 

Now Do You See What’s Going On?
Jack Posobiec quotes Orwell: “The party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command. And if all others accepted the lie, which the party imposed, if all records told the same tale, then the lie passed in to history and became truth.”

Obey (or you’re a racist and sexist!)
Greg Price on uneven decorum standards: “We smeared Brett Kavanaugh as a gang rapist and ACB as a member of a religious cult but you must treat our nominee with respect by not questioning her record on child sex criminals.”

Obey (or you’re a misinformation-spewing Russian asset!)
Federalist on journos picking presidents: “The New York Times Doesn’t Care If You Know That Big Tech Helped Rig Joe Biden’s Election”

FOX: “Huntergate and Putin remind us of the danger of propaganda;
Suppression of Hunter Biden story should alarm every American who believes in freedom of speech”

Obey (or you’re a transphobe and homophobe!)
NY Post on satire censorship: “Twitter suspends Babylon Bee for naming Rachel Levine ‘Man of the Year'”

Obey (or you’re a deplorable, anti-vax conspiracy theorist!)
Daily Caller on government manipulation: “CDC Says It Accidentally Inflated Children’s COVID Death Numbers In ‘Coding Logic Error’”

Tom Buck reax: “And they wonder why we have trust issues?” 

Jesse Kelly always off the top rope: “Coronavirus was weaponized to make sure Donald Trump didn’t win re-election and line the pockets of pharmaceutical companies. Lives ruined. Nations now broken. Don’t you dare let them get away with ‘whoops’ now.”

Obey (or you’re a right-winger!)
Post Millenial: “Russell Brand explains how the corporate media uses ‘right-wing’ as a slur to destroy free thinkers.”

Bill Maher: “My Politics Haven’t Changed”

David Kidd: “You can’t fix stupid. It’s not worth your time to try. Bill Maher and Russell Brand are trying to tell their leftist friends how ignorant they look, but they are just calling them right wing now. Hahaha that’s what is driving people to the right.”

Robert Wilkinson: “Dear Joe Rogan, Bill Maher & Russell Brand, We told you they’d come for you too eventually.
Sincerely, Your fellow ‘Right wing extremists.'”