Malarkey – Gasoline

Electric Snide

My advice to everyone out there who’s frustrated, sad, angry, pissed off, feel those emotions, go to a kickboxing class, have a margarita…”
Peppermint Psaki

Sage Suggestions From Snobs
Daily Caller: “Buttigieg says you don’t have to worry about gas prices if you buy an electric vehicle…someone should remind him how out of touch he sounds”
Clay Travis: “Mayor Pete said today that people struggling with rising gas prices should solve their issue by buying electric cars. In related news, homeless people should also just buy houses so they aren’t homeless any longer. Thanks for the tips, Marie Antoinette.”
Eric Matheny: “‘Just buy an electric car’ is the modern version of ‘let them eat cake.'”
Rachel Bovard reax: “I used to tweet, as a joke, that the Dem answer to high gas prices was to say ‘all the poors can just go buy a Tesla.’ And then, in the face of nearly $5/gallon gas…they actually said it.”
Matt Whitlock: “Reminder: The Biden administration WANTED this. Their policies were specifically intended to drive up gas prices to force people into electric cars. This is not an accident, and it’s not just a result of the crisis in Ukraine.”
Charlie Kirk: “The Regime wants high gas prices. They want open borders. They want to break The Civilization so they can ‘Reset’ it.”

The following clearly depicts our ’betters’ attitude toward the majority of the citizenry.