Malarkey – Pedophilia

There has been much hoopla over an education bill in Florida. Simply stated it puts a stop to age inappropriate sexual education.

In his customary classy style, Governor DeSantis has stood up to the misrepresentation of what the bill enacts.

Partisan Press Pushing Pedophilia?

DeSantis Dismantles Deviant Dishonesty 
Richard Stiller: “DeSantis sets the record straight on the Florida school bill.”
Post Millenial: “Ron DeSantis destroys a ‘journalist’ for suggesting that the Florida anti-grooming bill is anti-gay.” 
FOX: “DeSantis accuses reporter of peddling ‘false narrative’ on education bill in heated press conference clash”

Weekly Woke Word Games 
WFLA’s Evan Donovan self-owns: “I asked @GovRonDeSantis if he supported HB 1557, the legislation critics call the ‘Don’t Say Gay’ bill.”
Transcript: “Reporter: ‘Critics call it the Don’t Say Gay bill’
“DeSantis: ‘Does it say that in the bill?””
“Reporter: ‘It bans classroom instruction on sexual identity and gender orientation.’
“DeSantis: ‘For who?… Grades Pre-K through 3.'”

And The Crowd Goes Wild
Sarcastic Cupcake to reporter: “I wonder why in your tweet you only use the moniker used by critics’ of the bill and not the ACTUAL official name of the bill. The word ‘gay’ isn’t even in the bill. You know what you were trying to do and DeSantis smacked you down for it.”
Dave Rubin: “Journalism is so dead that, @GovRonDeSantis demolished this guy and he posted the clip himself…”
Benny: “Listen to how @GovRonDeSantis forces a Fake News Reporter to DISMANTLE their own False Narrative in REAL TIME.
“Absolute 🔥🔥🔥 from America’s Governor, Ron DeSAVAGE”

Endorsing Grooming To Own DeSantis?
Christina Pushaw: “It’s outrageous that Democrats tried to falsely make this bill about gay people when it’s actually about child safeguarding and parental rights — 2 things that MOST Floridians, regardless of sexual orientation, obviously support.”
“It’s interesting how the media seamlessly and automatically adopts all the talking points of @GovRonDeSantis critics, isn’t it?”
BIG Mad About Little Kids
Michelle Lee: “Listen. Democrats. I know you really really really want to talk to 6 year olds about sex, I know y’all are really into that. But DeSantis is simply asking you to wait until they’re, like, 9 before you start telling about the wonders of anal. Too much to ask?”
Dank Knight: “Dems hate DeSantis because he’s trying to protect children from perverts. Think about that.”

Pedo Pep Talk
Jesse Kelly EPIC thread: “GOP, Dem hysteria over the Florida bill is not something you should be on defense about. It is an opportunity for you to play OFFENSE. They’re openly wanting to teach 6 year olds about sex. Every Republican in America should be running ads about it. Offense. Find your guts.”
“GOP: ‘I hope they don’t ask me about the Florida bill. I don’t want to sound hateful.’
“Anti-Communists: ‘Thank goodness these sick freaks are exposing themselves over the Florida bill. Here’s a six figure ad buy telling everyone about how gross they are.’
“Parents in this country, even many Democrat parents, do NOT want their kindergarteners learning about sex in school.
“Republicans, you have everything on your side on this issue. Do not avoid it. Run on it. Demand your opponent respond to questions about it.
“Call them groomers and pedophiles if they oppose it. Put THEM on the defensive. Make THEM afraid. Make THEM avoid talking about it.
“You have the high ground. Use it to destroy your enemy.
“Develop a winner’s mindset. Stop worrying about what the media says. If they parrot Dem talking points, call them groomers too.
“Treat your enemy like he’s trying to destroy you. Because I promise you, he is.
“Go win. Offense. The New Right. 
“Be an Anti-Communist
“That’s all.”

At Least It’s Not Taxpayer-Funded?
Chris Rufo: “These women are running a ‘Sexy Summer Camp’ for children in rural Kentucky, with lessons on ‘sex liberation,’ ‘gender exploration,’ ‘BDSM,’ ‘being a sex worker,’ ‘self-managed abortions,’ and ‘sexual activity while using licit and illicit drugs.'” 

Jesse Kelly: “Every Republican in America should be running ads like this. Offense. Go on offense. Stop hiding and whining like losers. Attack.”

Hopefully parents in other states are paying attention and will take action to stop the sexualization of children.

The uneducation system needs to be put out of the ’sex education’ business. When you consider the horrifically abysmal job they are doing in the ’core’ subjects, they should not be allowed to attempt something left to the home.