Malarkey – Resistance

No one can forget, except for progressives, how much ’resistance’ there was throughout Trump’s presidency. If he had cured cancer, they would have resisted taking the cure. My my how things change!

“The Resistance” Now Demands You Obey

The Resistance: Proud Supporters of Bipartisan Unity Since … Late Last Week
Joy-Ann “Pro-Democracy” Reid: “‘Politics ends at the water’s edge’ used to be a thing.”

Daniel Turner: “The people who branded themselves ‘the resistance’ for 4 years now want you to agree 100% with their agenda and if not you’re Putin.”

GOP Pouncer: “It’s incredibly humorous that the people who screeched they were part of the resistance for 4 years are now saying it’s treason to question the President.”

Michael Duncan: “So weird that the ‘Trump is Putin’s puppet’ folks have rediscovered the importance of ‘politics stops at the water’s edge’ in the Biden era lol”

Bonchie: “The same people who spent four years being the ‘resistance’ now want a rally around the flag moment for Biden. lol…no.”

Brian Stewart FTW: “‘Politics stops at the water’s edge (when a Democrat is president)’? I was deployed to Iraq while Dems were tearing into my Commander-in-Chief every single day. Save it. Like Crimea under Obama, Putin is again preying on the weakness of a Democrat president. That’s fair game.”