Malarkey – Roundup

Today’s offering covers a conglomeration of polling on various issues.

Political Roundup

🟥 👋
Senate Opportunity Fund:
-56% blame Biden, Dems for inflation
-60% say Biden doing poor job on inflation
-61% say Biden, Dems not doing enough to combat inflation  
-57% opposed to new Iran deal
-47% (+3)-44% Generic Ballot
-Twice as many people blame Biden as Putin for gas prices

House GOP: “American families are not falling for President Biden and Congressional Democrats’ excuses for skyrocketing gas prices. This is the #BidenBoom—no one else’s.”

Reuters: “Biden approval rating drops to new low of 40%, Reuters/Ipsos poll finds”

Washington Examiner: “Biden and Democrats cratering, ‘out of touch,’ ‘condescending’”

“Overall, 75% of swing voters in these districts agree that Democrats are out of touch with everyday people and are condescending toward voters.”

Daily Caller: “NRCC Poll Says Majority Of Swing Voters In Competitive Districts Find Democrats ‘Condescending’”

NRCC: “-@JoeBiden’s approval is -15 overall & -32 w independents
– GOP leads generic by 4 points
– GOP +24 w voters worried most about inflation
– GOP +20 w voters worried most about jobs/econ”

The Hill: “More Hispanic Democrats in new poll considering leaving party than Hispanic Republicans”

Trafalgar: “New @trafalgar_group/@COSProject poll (3/18-21) shows more than 3/4 of #Americans don’t want Russia to negotiate Iran Nuclear Deal on behalf of US:
77.5% No
2.3% Yes
20.2% Not sure

“Objection by Party
68.6% #Dems
87.6% #GOP
75.5% #Inds”

Partyman Randy analysis: “2.3% Yes. Two point three percent. I don’t know if I’ve ever seen a poll question get that low. You could ask if Pauly Shore should run for President and probably get double that.”

The Hill: “Majority believes public schools on wrong track: poll”

Josh Kraushaar: “Yikes: New Ann Selzer *national* poll finds Biden approval dipping down to 34%, with 52% disapproving.”

“When you think about what children are being taught in public schools these days, do you think schools are headed in the right direction or have they gotten off on the wrong track?
24% right track
64% wrong track”

Congressional Leadership Fund: “Tragic news for @HouseDemocrats in @NRCC battleground polling:
→ 75% of swing voters say Democrats are out of touch from everyday Americans.
→ 67% believe Democrats’ spending is out of control.
→ 52% blame high gas prices on the Biden Admin and Democrats.
Meanwhile, Republicans lead on major issues:
→ GOP is +24 points with voters most concerned about the cost of living.
→ GOP is +20 points with voters most concerned about jobs & economy.”

Although all these numbers look positive, the Democrats are going to find ways to buy votes. The other issue is the laziness of conservative voters. Sitting on their derrieres and not going out to vote is not a winning strategy. If a change in the Congress is to happen, people have to get out and vote!!