This will stick to your ribs

That’s Haluski!, it’s Slovk, yes yes yes , there are Slovaks also to be found in these woods, not many but they are there, good food to. Now that I replenished the bacon to proper levels of happiness I dug through recipes needing bacon ( smoked is optional ) There’s plenty of recipes on the interwebs so I won’t share mine, where I got it was from an old woman who came through Elis Iland as a child. S

So get your own.

Potaoto dumplings forked of course into a pot of boiling water is a good start, when they float, they be ready. Thing about Haluski, when fried up the next day, it’s even better the second time around. Now the Sauerkraut starts out as green ( cabbage ) there’s no green in the Haluski, but there is sauerkraut. What goes well while in the kitchen making good things from very basic food items?


Music about Women even better

They want the People at each other’s throats

Food is a form of being United

they use food as a weapon as well against the People

Xtra stuff:

the other day I seen a human get out of it’s vehicle wearing a mask, it was by themselves

when the human got to the store door, they took it off and went inside

I did the Clint squint and left Dodge