
We don’t gain water, nor do we lose water, it simply changes form many times over.

I could go for some climate change right now , not this week

START8:00 PMTuesday, 3/29

10 – 15 in Snow UPCOMING

The sun out ( for now ) so it being 13 degrees feels pretty good , at 13 degrees with grey skies, it effects the attitude

What else is water?

Water is Life sustaining

a rule of thumb

in wine there’s suppose to be wisdom

in water there is bacteria

( footnote )

fish fornicate in water so don’t be drinking from the lake

in beer there is Freedom

Making due with what you have could filed under the mother of invention

She sounds like a gramma with a calming voice

Tucker has put the package all together rather nicely

there are people who hate you and me for just being you

The Globalist Cabal of elites wants you… to eat fake meat. And they are setting the table for dinner as we speak.

In a recent interview discussing his recent book – “How to Avoid a Climate Disaster“ – billionaire Microsoft founder Bill Gates, who is currently the world’s fourth wealthiest individual, advocated for “rich countries” to fully switch to, what he calls, a “100% synthetic beef” diet that would consist entirely of lab-grown protein.

The move, Gates explained, would supposedly aid in the fight against “climate change” by curbing greenhouse gasses that are produced when raising livestock…

This elitest insanity of trying to reconfigure the entire human diet – that has been in place since humans discovered fire – with fake lab-grown substitutes is an ambitious and unprecedented one, to say the least. One of the main hold-ups of mass adoption has been getting the taste and texture of the fake substitutes close enough to the real thing where the difference is not noticeable, but this endeavor has failed miserably, leading to a massive drop-off in public acceptance after a brief upswing last year.

Gates also addressed this issue during the interview, laughably claiming that it’s possible to get used to the weird unnatural taste of synthetic beef, and, if you don’t, the scientists will make it taste better in the future.

some food for thought :

No one is coming to save you

Eat drink and be merry

for tomarrow we may all die