BREAKING. Mysterious Fire Rips Through Secret Russian Bureau …

BREAKING. Mysterious Fire Rips Through Secret Russian Bureau Responsible for Designing Missiles

Thursday, a fire ripped through the Russian Ministry of Defense’s 2nd Central Scientific-Research Institute in Tver, some 80 miles northeast of Moscow.

This “research institute” is responsible for designing surface-to-air missiles and ballistic missiles for Russia’s aerospace military programs.

There is no official number of casualties, but there are dozens injured and some fatalities.

The official story is that old construction and flammable insulation caught fire.

There are several takeaways from this conflagration.

  • Housing a critical design facility in a firetrap speaks volumes for the state of Russia’s military.
  • It is a safe bet that a lot of design work is either on computer hard drives or file servers located in the facility; the data loss will be catastrophic.
  • If the number of dead and wounded runs to 40 or 50, that means a significant number of the design bureau’s scientific and engineering staff are out of action.

What is unclear to me is how any accidental fire could have spread the way this fire did.
Source: Streiff – April 21, 2022