First, I got to explain something, if you know anything about yoopers, the one thing we don’t like to do is explain stuff, takes time away from hunting,fishing & trapping and other outdoor activities such as making little yoops. When I say ” the other day” that could be sometime last week or 15 years ago give or take a few days.
Not so different when the people of the south say ” well bless his heart” that can be used 2 ways, am I right people of the south. I don’t know about you, but when your mind is heavy in thought, it’s good to find something to do. Me… it always boils to a couple of items. 1. make something or 2. go to the gun counter, so the other day I was at the gun counter.

Not long after the gun counter, the Dan-knee called, he knows the situation, here, I’ll slip this in for some filler. Everyone was at the supper table except lil sis, mother asked where she was, and like a fool I told her I traded her to the Dan-knee for a really nice knife, I showed her the knife, things didn’t go to well for me after that. Dad brought the knife back and brought sis home. Anyways, the Dan-knee say hey man, make me some sausage, ok I’ll do that.
I figure 10 pounds is about right

So making sure everthing is proper with the smoker I was thinking hey now, I could make mother some chicken, it’s easy on her belly, something different, so I started snooping and this was about the time I want to swear, but I won’t.

Fifty chicken recipes, each more seductive than the last, in a book that makes every dinner a turn-on.
“I want you to see this. Then you’ll know everything. It’s a cookbook,” he says and opens to some recipes, with color photos. “I want to prepare you, very much.” This isn’t just about getting me hot till my juices run clear, and then a little rest. There’s pulling, jerking, stuffing, trussing. Fifty preparations. He promises we’ll start out slow, with wine and a good oiling . . . Holy crap. “I will control everything that happens here,” he says. “You can leave anytime, but as long as you stay, you’re my ingredient.” I’ll be transformed from a raw, organic bird into something—what? Something delicious.
So begins the adventures of Miss Chicken, a young free-range, from raw innocence to golden brown ecstasy, in this spoof-in-a-cookbook that simmers in the afterglow of E.L. James’s sensational Fifty Shades of Grey trilogy. Like Anastasia Steele, Miss Chicken finds herself at the mercy of a dominating man, in this case, a wealthy, sexy, and very hungry chef.
And before long, from unbearably slow drizzling to trussing, Miss Chicken discovers the sheer thrill of becoming the main course. A parody in three acts—“The Novice Bird” (easy recipes for roasters), “Falling to Pieces” (parts perfect for weeknight meals), and “Advanced Techniques” (the climax of cooking)—Fifty Shades of Chicken is a cookbook of fifty irresistible, repertoire-boosting chicken dishes that will leave you hungry for more.
With memorable tips and revealing photographs, Fifty Shades of Chicken will have you dominating dinner.
I’m here to tell you right now and in no uncertain terms, Chicken is off the menu
I’ll make some her some Haluski that stuff will stick to her ribs
extra stuff:
yaknow when God took the rib from Man to make Woman
that was our mind reading rib