Jury Duty

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Back in 1986 a mock trial was held for Lee Harvey Oswald

it resulted in a hung jury

The trailer

Would you like to know more?

Americas Grand Jury

They want a Free people to forget what government inflicted upon them. It’s not that easy when it’s still with us. There’s a 6 year boy needing a transplant, the hospital won’t do it because his father is not vaccinated. That’s just one example of the damage to the Republic fauci has caused.

I don’t when or where this happened , if someone does please share

A Free people gathered to discuss important topics

Being arrested for wearing the Flag on a tee shirt

by goverment who has the same emblem on their uniform

Meanwhile, Alec Baldwin is walking free

Nice furniture build here

Lay down your weapons and there will be peace
what are terms of this peace you speak of?