Just think Brothers…

We were called Savages

There’s a place over that way waves the hand

it’s known as Place of Bones  

Point Iroquois Lighthouse | Michigan

Point Iroquois 

It’s a very quiet place

raiding villages

not so much for weapons & food rather for the Women and children, taking them made the tribe stronger while weaking the other tribe.

Why Place of Bones came to mind ?

Last week, the Colorado House of Representatives will begin hearings to pass a radical pro-abortion bill that removes any restrictions on abortion from Colorado, including parental notification, and specifically bans preborn children from having “rights under the laws of this state.”

Lawmakers introducing a bill to refuse rights to a class of human beings is shocking. Some of the worst moments in American history are when governments codify into law that classes of human beings are not worthy of rights under the law. This is an appalling first for abortion law in the state of Colorado.

Now we know why. The quiet part is finally being said out loud in this bill. Lawmakers want vulnerable preborn children to be banned by law from having any rights 

Babys are babys

first steps

Everything in America is expensive except life

Roe v Wade

made life cheap

” It’s ok to be Manly

It’s okay to be dangerous

In fact, we absolutely need

Manly, Dangerous Capable Men “

John Lovel

John is a special operations war veteran having served multiple combat tours to Iraq and Afghanistan. He’s also served as a Christian missionary to Central America – which is a testament to the duality of his Warrior Poet philosophy.