Make of this, what you will

an opening opinion

people who use craft singles to make the Mac & cheese should be held for some sort of hate crime, don’t be so damn lazy, buy some real cheese smoke it then make the Mac & cheese . Ever tell someone ” get the hell out of my kitchen” I have, right after they said, ” ever notice when stirring Mac & cheese it sounds like sex. “

get the hell out of my kitchen

I don’t speak Russian or Ukranian

since trump came down the elevator the left’s lies and misdirection’s with the media as thier mouthpiece, anything said taking place in the Ukraine I take with a grain of salt. The very same day the weasal Comey cleared the butcher of Benghazi, is the same day the steel dossier was delivered. With that in mind, a video with posted words. As I said, make of it what you will

A captured soldier of the Ukrainian Armed Forces tells how he fired at residential areas in Mariupol under the influence of drugs on the orders of GUR.

“I understood that I was shooting at civilians, but I was under the influence of drugs … I had to follow orders.” #IntelSlavaZ

The Butscha massacre was committed by the KHAZARIAN Ukrainians themselves

Was looking at the lake this Am with a coffee a bit of history came to mind back then it was directed at banksters

have we tried putting politicians in gunny sacks filled with snakes then toss them into the Potomac?