Malarkey – Border Crisis

There is not a single person with a frontal cortex that does not understand Biden has caused a massive crisis on our southern border. It is about to become, if possible, significantly worse.

Before we see the ’malarkey’, some information on what Title 42 is.


Title 42 is part of U.S. health law, specifically Section 262 of U.S. Code Title 42 which prohibits entry into the United States when the Director for Disease Control believes “there is a serious danger to the introduction of [a communicable] disease into the United States.” Essentially, depending on the health situation, the U.S. is able to prohibit entry to anyone except U.S. citizens, lawful permanent residents, and their spouses and children. 

For further edification on what is causing all the gnashing of teeth….

When Does Title 42 Expire?

The CDC announced on Friday that it will end on May 23. Why not end it immediately? Officials said they need time to come up with “appropriate COVID-19 mitigation protocols” including scaling up COVID-19 vaccinations at the border and preparing facilities.

“After considering current public health conditions and an increased availability of tools to fight COVID-19 such as highly effective vaccines and therapeutics, the CDC Director has determined that an order suspending the right to introduce migrants into the United States is no longer necessary,” the CDC said in the announcement.

Now, onto our ‘Malarkey’ feature.

Borderline Disorder

Operation Blue Wave
Breitbart: “House and Senate Democrats, representing battleground and swing states, are panicking over President Joe Biden’s ‘frightening decision’ to end the Title 42 border control.” 

FOX: “[West Virginia Dem Senator Joe] Manchin calls Biden lifting Title 42 border policy ‘frightening decision’; Biden admin will end Title 42 policy on May 23, paving way for surge of migrants”

Burgess Everett: “[Arizona’s Dem Senators] Sinema and Kelly not happy w/ Biden on Title 42

“Sinema: ‘Today’s decision to announce an end to Title 42 despite not yet having a comprehensive plan ready shows a lack of understanding about the crisis at our border.’ 

“Kelly: ‘This is the wrong decision. It’s unacceptable’”

Tomi Lahren: “When title 42 expires there will be a run on our border like we’ve never seen before and the Democrats don’t want you to know what’s coming!”

Sec. Pompeo: “By revoking our policies under Title 42, the Biden Administration will create an immigration crisis on our southern border even worse than we saw last year.  President Biden continues to listen to progressive activistsrather than secure America’s borders.”

Sen. Cruz: “The impact on the local communities and NGOs will be overwhelming and these illegal aliens will be released on the streets of towns that can’t handle it.”

Leader McCarthy: “President Biden has abdicated his responsibilities and is actively making his border crisis worse. Mark my words → His decision to eliminate Title 42 will invite a lawless surge of illegal border crossings, enriching human traffickers and overwhelming our great Border Patrol.”

McCarthy: “Let this sink in → Border Patrol is so overwhelmed that 2,000 illegal immigrants are slipping past them EVERY SINGLE DAY. This is the worst possible time for President Biden to eliminate Title 42—a vital border security tool.” 

Rep. Biggs: “The Biden Admin is officially ending Title 42 on May 23. DHS expects to encounter up to 18K illegal aliens EVERY day at the southern border. DHS currently encounters about 6K illegal aliens every day. We’re in trouble.”

Greg Price: “The Biden admin is sending billions of your tax dollars to help Ukraine fight an invasion through their border… At the same time, they willingly allow and exacerbate an invasion at America’s southern border just under the guise of ‘compassion.’

Poll: 60% of self-described liberalssupport Title 42.

FOX (Austin): “‘There’s just no way to reconcile this idea that you’re still wearing masks on airplanes, even if you’re vaccinated, and you’ve been tested against COVID, and yet we’re just continuing to usher people from actually, I think the number is roughly 150 different countries show up at the border,’ Sen. John Cornyn (R-Texas), said.”