Malarkey – Sexualization

Do You Want To Build A Strawman?

Hakuna Matata
FOX: “Disney exposed: leaked videos show officials pushing LGBT agenda, saying DeSantis wants to ‘erase’ gay kids”

We Don’t Talk About Rufo
Chris Rufo: “I’ve obtained video from inside Disney’s all-hands meeting about the Florida parental rights bill, in which executive producer Latoya Raveneau says her team has implemented a ‘not-at-all-secret gay agenda’ and is regularly ‘adding queerness’ to children’s programming.”

Mother Knows Best
Rufo: “Disney corporate president Karey Burke says, ‘as the mother [of] one transgender child and one pansexual child,’ she supports having ‘many, many, many LGBTQIA characters in our stories’ and wants a minimum of 50 percent of characters to be LGBTQIA and racial minorities.”

How Far I’ll Go
Rufo: “Disney production coordinator Allen March says his team is committed to ‘exploring queer stories’ and has created a ‘tracker’ to make sure they are creating enough ‘gender nonconforming characters,’ ‘canonical trans characters,’ and ‘canonical bisexual characters.'”

Kiss The Girl
Quillette: “It’s incredible that a company—particularly a company whose brand is family-friendly content—would oppose the perfectly reasonable view that sexual topics are not appropriate for six-year-olds in a public school setting.”

Let It Go
Ben Shapiro: “Our pitch is simple: we don’t crap on your values, and you won’t have to pre-screen our content to ensure that we’re not teaching your five-year-olds about radical gender theory.”

What Can I Say Except You’re Welcome? 
Stephen Miller thread highlights: “Disney caved to a coordinated media smear campaign” 

Be Our Guest
Miller: “If you guys over there don’t want DeSantis to be president, maybe stop making him look right on these issues. This shouldn’t be hard”

Can You Feel The Love Tonight?
Miller: “Dems & media think shaming corporations into their pet orthodoxy will win the issue. Except consumers of those companies vote too, and it’s backfiring. You don’t win voters over with twitter mobs.”

A Whole New World
Daniel Buck: “I’m continually amazed, astounded, disgusted(?) that ‘I don’t want my child exposed to sexual content from other adults or strangers’ is treated as a controversial position”

Rufo: “I might be old-fashioned, but I don’t think large corporations, teachers unions, and political activists should be talking about sexuality with kindergartners—for any reason.”

I’ll Make A Man Out Of You
Rufo: “We are waging moral war against Disney. We are directly targeting their public reputation. We are turning half of their customers against them.”

You’ve Got A Friend In Me
Peachy Keenan: “Getting a ton of messages from my various moms groups that everyone is cutting the Disney cord today. Done forever, after many years of brand loyalty. Chapek knew this would happen and tried to stay neutral. But he caved and chose a side. So can we.”

For myself, I stopped buying anything Disney related back when they terminated a group of tech workers to bring in “H type’ workers.

It is not just boycotting Disney parks. It is not buying any Disney brand; movies, games, action figures, dishes, linens, et al.
Further, several video conference calls have come to light showing managers bragging about their intent to substantially increase homosexual and transgender content. Money talks. It is time to reduce their money income!!