Malarkey – Twitter

This could be V E R Y interesting. Elon Musk now owns 9.2% of Twitter, which is a majority holding. He has been placed on the Board.

He Shall Be Elon

Actual Corporate Courage
Evan Schreiber: “March 25: ‘The consequences of this poll will be important. Please vote carefully.’ 🧐

“April 4: Elon Musk buys 9.2% stake in Twitter, making him the largest shareholder”

Andy Ngo: “Days after inquiring his followers about free speech (& the lack thereof), @elonmusk has become Twitter’s largest shareholder. Many leftists are concerned about what this might mean for their stranglehold on censorship policies that favor their politics.”

FOX Biz: “Elon Musk purchases stake in Twitter after slamming its approach to ‘free speech’; Musk buys Twitter stock as price surges”

“Twitter’s shares jumped more than 25% in price following Monday’s news. Musk now controls nearly 73.5 million shares of the company, making him the largest shareholder, and individual stocks were priced at $49.81 on Monday morning.

“Musk’s purchase comes roughly a week after the billionaire criticized Twitter for a lack of commitment to free speech. ‘Given that Twitter serves as the de facto public town square, failing to adhere to free speech principles fundamentally undermines democracy,’ Musk tweeted March 26. ‘What should be done?’ ‘Is a new platform needed?’ he tweeted later.”

What It Means
Revolver (4 days ago!): “The Battle of the Century: Here’s What Happens if Elon Musk Buys Twitter”​

Dave Rubin: “What if @elonmusk bought 9.2% in Twitter not to fix it, but rather to expose the insane ways the algorithm and activist employees have been manipulating us? (Shadowbans, de-bosting, reading our DM’s, etc.) Maybe he can find out who at Twitter censored the Hunter Biden story?”

Greenwald: “The messaging control Twitter now ensures is too important to DC power centers to let it go without a huge fight. I doubt even Elon Musk could just convert it back into a free speech platform without some major war.”

Jeremy Carl: “If Musk helps restore @Twitter to its free speech roots and moves it away from its left-wing censorship regime, it will be perhaps the most heroic and public-serving action I have seen a billionaire take in my lifetime.”

Being a perverse type, I would thoroughly enjoy watching Twitter employee heads explode if Musk had Trump, and every conservative who had been banned, reinstated on the platform. 🤔🤓😎😂