Monday musings

The other day I was told, I have more than my fair share of testosterone

Clint squint engaged quiet like

Was thinking , if some luckless fella was dragged into my marriage counselors office for advice how would I deal with the situation , probably some like this

Look man , the courtship over aka the chase

now is not the time to buff your nails on your chest because you got the woman

never stop playing , you stop playing , she’ll get with bored , a bored Woman is never a good thing

now get the hell out of my office…Nest!

Her smile , made me smile

Sometimes , women do need a little help and it’s ok ladies, that’s our place in the skeem of life

that posted picture up top belongs to the fella who made mention of my testosterone levels

as if he’s got room to speak, more of his truck stickers

damnit… it’s snowing