Randy, came to mind

Kids are closer to the ground, so you put them to work early, when they begin to walk is the perfect time to get them to eat good things, mud is not a good thing to eat but it does strengthen the immune system so that’s a bonus of sorts & they don’t know they working because they are kids.

Helping to put food on the table gets them so tired they get to tired to eat which leaves more morels for you! Around May 15th give or take, and depending on the weather, such as cold rains vs warm rains, aka Mother nature’s attitude

a bounty or slim pickings

The beginning mushroomer should do two things:

Make your first several mushroom hunts with someone who knows mushrooms. (2) Buy a mushroom guidebook. Best guidebook on the market is

The Mushroom Hunter’s Field Guide

 Like any other outdoor recreation, mushroom hunting is safe for the person who learns the rules and plays by them. It is a foolhardy pastime for the ignorant or the careless, be prepared to cover a lot of ground, and don’t expect to find them easily if you are new at the game. Your eye for morels will sharpen with experience. One place to look for mushrooms is in recently burned areas and high-ground stands of hardwoods with plenty of leaf cover.

A sure way to lose a friend

sharing a double super-secret location with a so-called friend

only to return year after year and never find another morel

And another thing people who use paper or plastic to hold the shrooms they have found

should be double tapped without question as why you did shoot them?

well it’s like this officer, shrooms multiply by spores, using paper or plastic stops them from returning next year.

” you are free to go”

For such a short season, it was much anticipated Sis was shorter than I


I called her eagle-eye for she always found the first morel which she great pride

as in neer-er neer’er neer’er big brother