Saturday in the park


why you need 30 round mags , forty even better but that’ll cost ya extra

As food gets less and less available , one needs to find alternative sources , if you think that’s something new well it isn’t. One just needs to go to the Paluxy River as proof of “Eat or be Eaten, run faster works to”. The Paluxy River is located in Texas , there are prints of humankind next to dino prints. There are times I catch myself talking as General George Patton while I share stuff about useful information. Here is something that can seen in the woods, rare but it can if you lucky enough to see it

And here is something that is never seen in these woods for good reason, people long ago got tired of getting eaten so they ate all the dinosaurs around here.

Don’t people in Florida owns guns?.

A great alternative for chicken because chicken is getting harder to find, well is Python, with enough SBR’s , it’ll taste like BBQ chicken

I don’t like to repeat myself, but I will this time

Don’t people in Florida own guns?

I just finished 2nd breakfast and already I’m thinking about supper, had some Colo Salmon yesterday so I’m kind of fished out for now

a wanna be Brontosaurs steak sounds good