Signs of Spring

I see I’m not the only who has to deal picking up boxes of the ground I like the fix

with a loadout as that, you know we’d be friends straight away

Have you ever been ” gridled “, yes but not this year as I answered while at mail box.

the flyer will be filed under Climate change

I did have a Pileated woodpecker hanging around for awhile until it was dispatched , of the trees around here , it decided to only tap on a no trespassing sign metal as in TNK TINK TINK TINK after a week of that nonsense it was dispatched…. properly .

enough of that

you ever read the Diary of Private Joseph Plumb Martin ?

one day my journals will look as that

survival stuff/ making do with what you have / scrounging all of that can be found in his diary

Morel season starts soon, how soon? not soon enough, first the snowbanks have to go away. A visual between American made and china junk , if you are going smoosh well moosh like you mean it damnit

my experiment comes from the 1800’s

Private Plum Martan would be impressed with my hydrator

Private plum would probably call me Sir & righty so

lessons learned :

cut smaller less mooshing needed

let the stuff cool before squeezing like one would like to squeeze people’s necks

hot hot hot hot

it’s actually very good , with Morels…. even better

I ran across Jas & Son by accident

Walking in an eatery with mushroom ketchup , I can people looking at me strange like

don’t care…. yeah it’s that good