
Is there a compromise position on abortion?

Back in the day many were somewhat willing to accept abortion with the caveat it be limited to the first trimester of pregnancy. This was a begrudging acceptance. Further, there were multiple declarations it would be ”rare”. 62 million abortions later, it has gone from first trimester to ”late term” up to and including immediately prior to giving birth.

There is a recent poll with the following results.
In the latest poll, nearly two-thirds believed that abortion should be illegal after 15 weeks, with a majority believing abortion should be illegal after the first trimester. A 15-week ban on abortion is precisely what is before the Supreme Court right now. 
With that all that information and poll:

A. Should abortion be completely banned except in extreme medical situations?

B. Should it be limited to the first trimester?

C. Should it be limited to 15 weeks?

D. Should it be without any limitations?