I see some so-called Americans driving around with stickers stating” I stand with Ukraine”. Very doubtful, those useless fucks won’t even stand for thier country or flag. Personally, I stand with the American people. I don’t give a shit about the Russia or Ukraine. Picking sides of 2 evils as in the lesser of the two, is just dumb, it’s as dumb as Pauly, who the hell feeds chickens yogurt & health bars to chickens well… Pauly the bidumb voter is who.
Let me ask you something, do you give a fuck about Amanda

While at the counter paying for some stuff, I almost gave a shit away by mistake, so last night I made sure I wouldn’t do that again

Not so different then the lady who was pulled by the state cops, as he was at her window about to right a ticket she said ” I bet you wanna sell me a ticket to the State Trooper’s Ball?”
That’s when he said Mam
State troopers don’t have balls
right after that he put the ticket book away and walked back to his car
you know that woman didn’t give a shit of even a fuck
As I look out over the lake with a coffee
I’m thinking We, the unjabbed are truly a different breed from the rest , them bastards threw every lie they could think of at us…. We didn’t flinch
Now they speak of the monkeypox (remember the K is silent)
In 2003 there was outbreak of it in the US
71 cases ZERO deaths
the psychpaths will be out in force once again so be ready for them

I had to smile at this little lady