Making do with what you have

Sometimes, you just have to make it yourself,where do you think the saying came from

” we do so much with so little, pretty soon, we’ll do it all with nothing”

here’s an example of which I speak of

A Navy pilot enjoys the store-bought version of what Marines made for themselves,1945.

Making icecream in the pacific.

Squadron commander J. Hunter Reinburg recounted in his autobiography: “for raising morale on a humid tropical island with no fresh food and no refrigeration, we had a plan. His maintenance crew cut the ends off an old belly-mounted drop tank, strung wire at both ends, and mounted an access panel to the side. Into this panel, secured by the wires, went a waterproof can that ordinarily stored .50-caliber bullets. And into that, the mess sergeant poured a mixture of canned milk and cocoa powder.

Reinburg planned to ascend to high altitudes, where temperatures are well below freezing, and return with a gift for his men: Five gallons of homemade chocolate ice cream.

Reinburg’s Marines didn’t steal, they procured & scrounged but never stole

I don’t know the backstory on this fella, but You gotta be one powerful MF not only in strength, but in will power. People telling you that you can’t do this cause you got one arm. This man must wake up and the moment his feet hits the floor, haters everywhere shudder and say “Oh, shit. He’s awake.”

The power to drown out the naysayers and people saying it cannot be done. This man is fueled by the naysayers and pisses out excellence.

And then there’s guy, touring Europe, gets into a very bad bus accident

he never missed a beat on the drums

Sheep shyt run is located on Mount MF, along with some other slippery trails

Don’t tell me it “can’t be done”

I do the swearing around here