Let us return to those olden days of Joe Biden’s administration. Specifically his Inauguration.

Fast forward to current times.
Libs Keep Losing By Losing Their Minds
Grumpy Old Man
Federalist’s Tristan Justice: “Biden Just Had His ‘Deplorables’ Moment”
“At the White House on Wednesday, Biden stoked hysteria over the potential overturning of Roe v. Wade after a majority draft opinion from February was leaked on Monday night. In doing so, Biden depicted half the country he represents in the Oval Office as zealous extremists who are hellbent on a new era of segregation.
“‘What happens if you have states change the law saying that children who are LGBTQ can’t be in classrooms with other children?’ Biden said. ‘What are the next things that are going to be attacked? Because this MAGA crowd is really the most extreme political organization that’s existed in American history, in recent American history.’
“Biden’s characterization of the more than 74 million Americans who voted for Trump as the ‘most extreme political organization’ in U.S. history, even ‘recent’ history, would usurp Antifa or the Ku Klux Klan, which is still active today.
“Mr. Civility’s depiction of this imaginary GOP-led segregation targeting LGBT people in schools is as ridiculous as it sounds.”
“Democrats, however, have continued to depict the impending end of Roe as the beginning of a nightmare where Republicans move on to criminalizing same-sex intimacy and even interracial marriage.”
“Instead of tamping down on his own hysterical party breeding the divisiveness he campaigned against in 2020, the nation’s ‘unifier in chief’ has chosen to amplify their dystopian prophecies that are really disinformation. This line of attack is in character for Biden, however. He launched his presidency with a cascade of divisive social policies while he defamed half the country as white supremacists in his inaugural address.”
Wishcasting Wackos
Politico: “Democrats skeptical SCOTUS will save them in November”
“There is broad consensus that a ruling overturning Roe would help Democrats in some districts, potentially reducing their losses by drawing in suburban women who backed them in 2018. But few believe it would be enough to offsetthe brutal midterm environment and President Joe Biden’s sagging approval ratings.
“One Democratic pollster, granted anonymity to discuss the issue candidly, acknowledged that the issue ‘will help at the margins,’ but ‘to hold the House or Senate, we need inflation to go away.’
“It’s also opening up a debate within the party about how much to lean into abortion as an animating message for the base, rather than focusing primarily on cost of living and job growth.
“‘Midterm voters care about affordability first and foremost, and they are not people who are worried every single day about losing access to abortion,’ said Julie Roginsky, a Democratic strategist who began her career as a researcher at the abortion rights group EMILY’s List. ‘My fear continues to be that sometimes we as Democrats run on things that we wish the voters cared about, rather than what the voters do care about.’
“‘Is this something they lose sleep over every night?’ she added. ‘No. What they do lose sleep over is, ‘I can’t fill up my gas tank, it’s really expensive. I can’t afford to send my kid to college, it’s really expensive.’ … Any voter who will vote purely based on [Roe] is an incredibly committed voter who will be coming out in the midterms, anyway.’”
“But there is also a fear among Democrats that putting Roe on the ballot could motivate Republicans as much as Democrats in November, and potentially cut into the party’s support among socially conservative Latinos.
“One Democratic strategist said Tuesday that it’s possible a court ruling against Roe will ‘light a fire under’ their voters; Democrats ‘haven’t seen abortion as a working message for quite some time.’ The strategist added: ‘I just don’t see how this isn’t a bloodbath for Dems.’”
What is going to be more interesting is how many candidates invite Joementia to campaign for them.