Malarkey – Corporations

Corporate PR firms seem to be schizophrenic. After the Florida Disney fiasco, they were advising corporate clients to stay away from comments on political issues. Apparently abortion is not one of those ’stay away from’ issues for some organizations.

Corporation Games

Corporate Execs: Don’t Make Me Destroy This Company!
FOX: “Yelp’s ‘Chief Diversity Officer’ called for companies to speak out in favor of abortion saying, ‘The days of companies not wading into political issues…are over…’”

Corporate Comms: Now Do The Opposite Of Our Previous Counsel!
Judd Legum: “BREAKING: A massive PR firm that represents high-profile corporations like @CocaCola, @Netflix, & @Starbucks is privately advising its clients to avoid commenting on abortion rights, according to an internal email obtained by”

Corporate Media: The Beatings Will Continue Until Morale Improves!
Vivek Ramaswamy: “Apparently @FastCompany is calling corporate PR departments and twisting their arms to take public stances on abortion. They phrase it as a ‘poll’ of corporate leaders, and if they hesitate, they follow up by telling them they’ll publish that the company declined to participate.”

“More corporate advocacy, thinly veiled as ‘journalism.’”