Malarkey – Deplorables

There are multiple polls showing the steady decline in Biden’s approval which is translating into a ’Red’ tsunami in November 2022.

The Deplorables Defeating The Deranged

State Of Play
TownHall: “Democrats Are Getting Crushed

Brian Darling: “Woke Democrat Denial About Midterms”

It’s Not Us, It’s Them!
Wash Post, lamenting/advising: “Democrats approach a midterm message but struggle to deliver it; Biden signals a message for the midterms: Democrats bring results, Republicans bring MAGA. But there’s little sign the party is delivering it with any energy or regularity.”

Stephen Miller mocks such predictable coverage: “It never fails. Our policies are right, we just don’t know how to communicate them to stupid people. Every time.”

Antiquated Message
WSJ’s Daniel Henninger: “Democrats Blew Covid’s Politics; Biden and the party’s progressives think spending money will earn voter gratitude. Not this time.”

“From the day Joe Biden en­tered of­fice, the De­moc­rats have dis­played a mis­reading of how the Covid-19 pan­demic had al­tered the coun­try’s nor­mal po­lit­i­cal and so­cial align­ments.”

“This was a com­plex po­lit­i­cal and cul­tural event to which the De­mo­c­ra­tic re­sponse was Pavlov­ian: Throw money and ex­pect grat­i­tude.”

“Joe Biden promised a re­turn to nor­mal­ity. But that was about Don­ald Trump. There was noth­ing nor­mal about the Amer­ica over which Mr. Biden presided.”

“At every level of gov­ern­ment, the De­mo­c­ra­tic Party de­fended re­stric­tions by align­ing with the au­thor­ity of sci­ence. Re­sult: Af­ter liv­ing for two years un­der that au­thor­i­ty’s thumb, peo­ple are look­ing for respite from gov­ern­ment, which by de­f­i­n­i­tion means the De­moc­rats.”

Antiquated Messenger
Peggy Noonan: “Joe Biden Has a Presentation Problem; Voters would be grateful if he stopped talking down to them and learned to be straightforward.”

“This is worthy of note because his entire career has been about presentation, specifically representing a mood. In 50 years he has cycled through Dashing Youth, the Next JFK, Middle-Class Joe and Late-Life Finder of His Inner Progressive. But the mood he represents now isn’t a good one.”

“So to the presentation problem. Here are some difficulties when he speaks. When he stands at a podium and reads from a teleprompter, his mind seems to wander quickly from the meaning of what he’s saying to the impression he’s making … When he catches himself he tends to compensate by enacting emotion. But the emotion he seems most publicly comfortable with is indignation. … He was trying to show presentness, engagement. But there’s often an ‘angry old man yelling at clouds’ aspect to this.”

“There are small tics that worked long ago. He often speaks as if we are fascinated by the family he came from and that formed him. Thus he speaks of the old neighborhood and lessons. And my mother told me, Joey, don’t comb your hair with buttered toast. This was great for a Knights of Columbus pancake breakfast in Rehoboth Beach, Del., but not now. For all the mystique of the presidency, people hired you to do a job and want you to be clear and have a plan. They aren’t obsessed with your family, they’re obsessed with their family.

“Mr. Biden tends to be extremely self referential: ‘I’ll give it to you straight, as I promised that I always would.’ Because I’m such a straight shooter. It’s better to shoot straight and not always be bragging.” 

“I don’t think he’s aware he often seems to be talking down. People will tolerate this from a politician when they think he’s their moral or intellectual superior, but they push back when they don’t, as in the polls.”

Karol Marcowicz: “Biden’s decline is obvious to everyone but the press”

“This isn’t simply misspeaking. He seems fully out of it, and we’re all watching quietly.”

What, Me Worry?
Miranda Devine, concerned by nonchalance: “Are Joe Biden and the Dems up to their old election tricks?”

“Over the last 16 tortuous months of the Biden presidency, it’s become clear that the Democrats are running on empty. They are not even trying to reset their electorally poisonous policies. Politically this means they are heading for annihilation at the midterms. Yet they appear curiously relaxed, as if winning elections is no longer a priority. One thing you know is that the Dems are nothiding under the duvet sucking their thumbs. Like the Fantastic Mr. Fox, they have a cunning plan. They might not be any good at governing, but when it comes to seizing power by foul means or fair, they are world-class.”

November is six months away. That is a long time in political time.

Conservative candidates have to make sure they do not make any missteps. They need to do the one thing they are terrible at and the Democrats are very good at…STAYING ON MESSAGE!!

It is our responsibility to VOTE!! We cannot sit back and presume to win if we do not do our part!