Malarkey-Special Edition

With the egregious actions of a SCOTUS employee, the news is full of the Court and possible overturning of Roe v. Wade. The ’Daily Malarkey’ has issued a ‘special edition’.

Special Edition: Death Roe

Erielle Davidson: “The only motivation for leaking this opinion was to pressure members of the Court to change their votes. Mob rule, in other words. Despicable.”

John Cooper: “The leak of this draft opinion is a disgusting attempt to threaten the integrity of the court and intimidate the justices. But I doubt we’ll hear much from ‘but our norms!’ crowd.”

Matt Wolking: “They only care about norms and institutions and democracy when it suits them”

Julia: “Who’s ready for the ‘fiery, but mostly peaceful protests’ that are about to ensue? 🙄🔥”

Alex Bruesewitz: “Whoever leaked this is attempting to obstruct a government proceeding through intimidation tactics. In other words, they are insurrectionists.”

LOL: “When our side doesn’t get its way the court is overtly political so it must be packed with leftists who will vote 99% of the time with activists to save democracy.  Democracy is one party control.”

My Body!
Sailing Mom: “So now we’re back to my body, my choice?  Where was all this outrage when the government was trying to force a vaccine in your arm???”

Birthing Persons!
Dan Isett: “The cohort who brought you a SCOTUS nominee who couldn’t tell you what a woman is will spend the next few months bellowing about women’s rights.”

As a warning, the following personal comment, on this matter, is one you will see me repeat repetitively.

Chief Justice Roberts lacks control of his Court employees. His failure to publicly state he has directed the ’Marshall of the Court’ to polygraph all Court employees is a failure to show a serious effort to find the perpetrator of the leak.