That’s the face, every NCO that deals with a butter bar
Rob Roy came to mind and core values
Honor guides Marines to exemplify the ultimate in ethical and moral behavior. Never lie, never cheat or steal; abide by an uncompromising code of integrity; respect human dignity and respect others. Honor compels Marines to act responsibly, to fulfill our obligations and to hold ourselves and others accountable for every action.
Courage is the mental, moral and physical strength ingrained in Marines. It carries us through the challenges of combat and aids in overcoming fear. It is the inner strength that enables us to do what is right, to adhere to a higher standard of personal conduct and to make tough decisions under stress and pressure.
Commitment is the spirit of determination and dedication found in Marines. It leads to the highest order of discipline for individuals and units. It is the ingredient that enables constant dedication to Corps and country. It inspires the unrelenting determination to achieve victory in every endeavor.
It’s known as a vertical coffin

chief rodrigus
Dereliction of Duty
Cowardness in the face of enemy fire
or there was an agenda
the Sherriff of Polk County
Him and I may sound different…. we speak the same language
Community relations in the town of Uvalde will never be same

Where have all the Men gone…