And the experts say!

According to a recently released medical study, in a group of 37 sperm donors, across 220 samples collected, the impact of the mRNA COVID vaccine, BNT162b2 produced by Pfizer, caused men to experience a drop in fertility of more than 20%. 

In the latest study, released this week, the participants were studied for five months after receiving the vaccine according to CDC recommendations. Each participant provided multiple samples, spread out throughout the study’s duration. 

The results showed a staggering drop in male fertility, with the average decrease being 22.1% across the study group. 

The study concludes, “Systemic immune response after BNT162b2 vaccine is a reasonable cause for transient semen concentration and TMC decline.”

In short, the Pfizer COVID vaccine does in fact reduce male fertility.

If memory serves, around 1900 all but 2 scientists agreed it was dirt that caused malaria, just 2 doctors Walter Reed & George Goethals didn’t.

They thought mosquitos were the culprit. They were right

All others were wrong

Anyone can father a child, takes a Man to be a dad

dads are not mothers

just because dads do things different, don’t make them wrong

There’s a town of sorts over that way

Named right proper

That fella in the posted picture was a yooper by birth, the Honorable John Voelker Michigan state supreme court judge words from the good Judge

“The best thing that could happen to the U.P. would be for someone to bomb the bridge”

Looking out over the lake, thinking… who would I want at my fire

ole danny boy?

no, it wouldn’t be danny boy, (mcstains replacement), someone who understands the situation

Freedom or tyranny
there’s only room for one in these woods

And in closing:

yoopers have a way with diversity we celebrate it food, languages, music, in all kinds of ways

we don’t use it in such a way to divide us, why some may ask

“It’s an edgy place. I mean, in the sense that it still hangs on out there like a rawhide flap of the old frontier, outposted from the swirl of mainstream America. The U.P. is a hard place. A person has to want to hurt a lot to live there”.
—- John G. Mitchell, Audubon Magazine, November 1981
Life is hard enough, that is why

Books need 3 things Sunshine with fresh air and people wanting to learn