Basta Cosi!

Or something like that, I don’t speak Italian. Anyway, that’s what the translation is for enough of that in Italia. I imagine that is what the motorists in the tweets below were saying to the Climate Extinction protesters that were blocking a major highway in the Rome area.

Rome, activists block GRA in protest against gas and coal, angry motorists try to remove #granderaccordoanulare #extinctionrebellion #localteam

Bald dude was pissed and not playing around. I was a bit surprised he didn’t start swinging at the dude with the green ballcap. He sure wasn’t gentle to the one chick, grabbed her by the head and dragged her out of the road.

Protesters block the GRA, auto force the block #extinctionrebellion #granderaccordoanulare #localteam

I think the white SUV driver would have run the girl over if it wasn’t for the chick in the green. I wonder how long it will take for someone to actually run over some protester. Might cool their enthusiasm for these kinds of stunts.

Extinction Rebellion activists block GRA in protest against gas and coal causing tail, police remove them #extinctionrebellion #polizia #granderaccordoanulare #localteam

I don’t know how long it took for the cops to show up, but when they did, it was all over except the booking photos. I have to comment on the uniforms the polizia are wearing. Quite natty if you ask me. From the polo boots and shirts to the jodhpurs, they look like they are about to go play a few chukkars, not arrest a bunch of entitled kids blocking a highway.

I think if more people took the route that the folks in the first video did, we’d see a lot less of that kind of thing. So far, there has been little pushback on those kinds of stunts. If the crybullies see that the masses aren’t going to take it any more, they’ll think twice about it.

Bel lavoro! (Good job)