
I’ve mentioned the Dan-knee before a couple times. It’s how his mother called him through the nasal passages, so to this day, everyone stills says his name through the nasal passages. Some background, the Dan-knee wasn’t much for dogs, never had one as a kid, one this white shepard showed up one day in his backyard, been on the trail a while, looking rather road wary, no collar, no tags, took right to Dan-knee. He was like what the hell is going on here. Dan-knee finally gave in, gave it the name Doghead. “Dan-knee, no one names thier dog doghead”, Yeah, well I not heard one complaint from Doghead and he knows who feeds him. Ok Dan-knee.

The Dan-knee stopped over last night to collect the leather card case I made for him, he’ll be all kinds of styling playing the cribbage, wasn’t in a good mood at all. Conversation went like this… Chance,

are you just physically exhausted by the constant stream of bad news that is only getting worse? Where is the good news hiding? The news that says that the end is in sight?

Is it just me? Am I the only one feeling hopeless?

sipping my vernors I got a word in, Dan-knee, you been hopeless since I met you down at the fish dock

Chance, before you ask, yes, I am willing to fight, even as old and broken as I am.

I’m just so tired.

If we’re having the luau, let it start before I reach the end of my rope, if you catch my drift.

It is all just so depressing.

Am I alone in this help me out here man

Sipping my vernors, thought of my words, the milvets came to mind, then I told him

Nah, brother, you’re not alone. My old ass is tired of all this bullshit too. I’m tired of the commie crowd constantly gnawing away at the liberties that made this country the best damn patch of ground on the planet. I’m sick of politicians and bureaucrats fucking the country and the people over for their own gain. I sick and damn tired of justice being something people chant about as they burn down a fucking city but then reject it when it’s applied to them.

I’ve done my bit. I’ve bled for my country. I’ve paid my dues. All I want is to be able to enjoy the time I’ve earned and spend it with those I love. It sure looks like there’s going to be more trouble to fight before we get to enjoy that peace.

Dan-Knee, you feel pain? “yes” it means you are alive, can you stand? ” yeah” well if you can stand, you can fight, and if you can fight, we will win this luau when it starts.

NFQ Dan-Knee


Neve fucking Quit Dan-knee

How’s the Doghead doing these days as I scratched his ear

” Getting up in years”

ain’t we all my friend

This fella from Canada sounds much like Dan-Knee