Don’t people have better things to do

Besides, playing stupid games just to win stupid prizes, example of which I speak

While making mother some liver & onions with side scoop of hominy fried up in the bacon grease, an idea came around, just play music while you read

file it under the fancy word Aviance

Having been invited to smoke all the fish for viking style wedding, cannot have the fella who took the arrow to the knee come over just for fish, thinking he’s need gonna a little something to keep his mind right. I’ll ir wrapped in golden deer hide ( you want golden deer hide, you have to smoke the hide, an be careful or you’ll burn it up ), here… hang this where your eyes will see it everyday.

I think it will be well received, we’ll see

meanwhile. over that way , been there a few times as a kid

dated c.1640 B.C. a petroglyph

location Copper Harbor

as a kid seeing, of course it kicks the imagination, and you wait for the bookmobile next week, from 1640 to the time I’m putting this up, it’s never been defaced or had graffiti on it. respect of history in a way.

petroglyphs near Copper Harbor, on the northern tip of Keweenaw Peninsula. The most beautiful glyph is a hugh sailing boat, In antiquity, the natural harbor of this town was used for the transport of copper ingots to Lake Michigan, and further south along the Mississippi River, as well as all the way to the east, to the Saint Lawrence River. It was also important for reaching Isle Royale, some 50 miles to the northeast, another area of extensive mining operations .The petroglyph site near Copper Harbor is west of town near the end of the local bay. The glyph of the sailing boat has a width of 36cm, and a height of 17.5cm, including the top of the mast 19 cm. The hull of the ship has a height of 7cm, including the lower part of the mast almost 11cm. The sail has a width of 14.5cm. The carved lines are not V-shaped, but more U-shaped, having an upper width of 3.5 mm, and a depth of 2 mm. The carving was made on the ground, on a flat, natural area of the bedrock, consisting of sandstone. It is an oblong area of stone, having a height varying from roughly 30 to 60cm . The sailing boat should be considered as seaworthy . Some dimensions of this large boat are interesting. The length of the hull equals five times the height of the sail. The length of the sail equals the height of the mast, and both are twice the height of the sail. The height of the mast equals six times the width (or height) of the lower part of it, below the sail.- Finally, it should be noted, that the carved line within the sail makes a long zigzag all the way to the top. For the time being, it appears to be a mysterious feature of this petroglyph. —– When studying the glyph, it appears that the left edge of the sail has been accidently flaked off (although it might have been done on purpose). Probably, it already happened when the glyph was carved, and apparently, people decided to make the best of the situation. Maybe that’s my purpose on the milvets

take your mind off the daily syhtshow, even for a little while