Jus Primae Noctis

Don’t know Latin? Of course, you do

right of the first night

Law , myth or custom?

The jus primae noctis  is an alleged medieval custom which permitted lords to engage in sexual intercourse with the brides of their male subjects on the first night after marriage. Spanning centuries, this seedy exercise of male domination has been referenced across the eons, yet the reality of its existence remains unclear. It is a topic that has been hotly discussed by anthropologists and historians, who have debated whether the jus primae noctis is a custom, a law, or a simply a sordid myth.

Link for learning Jus primae noctis: Did Medieval Lords Really Sleep With Serf Brides First? | Ancient Origins (ancient-origins.net)

“There are debates, and we have a culture where the difference is. Guns can be used for hunting or for sport shooting in Canada – and there are lots of gun owners, and they’re mostly law-respecting and law-abiding – but you can’t use a gun for self-protection in Canada. That’s not a right that you have in the Constitution or anywhere else.

If you try and buy a gun and say it’s for self-protection – No, you don’t get that.

“There’s this sense that Canada responded to the shooting in Texas by suddenly turning around and banning guns. Lovely if it were true, but we’ve been working on this for seven years… We’ve had a lot of setbacks, but since we got elected seven years ago, we’ve been steadily working on strengthening gun control.”

Two years ago, we banned all military style assault weapons … and just a few weeks ago … we moved forward on a total freeze on handguns.


When the people are disarmed, what can government do?


Anything it wants

Castro boy got like 32% of the vote, and that is even questioned

another WEF installed puppet more like it

Thing about Tyrants, they always go for the guns while surrounding themselves with guns

There really isn’t anything new under the sun, some famous dead guy is quoted as saying that, Hearing the Dragoons of Scotland play Amazing Grace in the Am, is good way to start any day, this is a more fitting attitude

In the case of the castro boy

he wouldn’t send the goon squad to collect the bride they’d be taking the groom