Let’s do it, what could possibly go wrong

I once gave a kid a book called a Brave new world by Aldous Huxley, good read

the world we grew up in is very different from the kids of today and pretty sure our parents thought in the same manner and theirs before them.

there’s a storm coming

Updated: 13 Jun 2022 12:08 pm

Scientists Have Invented Living Skin for Robots

And it’s actually made of real human skin cells

Scientists have invented a “living” human-like skin for robots that is water-repellent, self-healing, and has a realistic fleshy appearance.

As reported by BGR, Japanese scientists used human skin cells to create a “living skin equivalent” that works in a similar way to human skin. The lab-made skin successfully generated the look and touch of real human skin, and as such, it was found to repel water and repair itself when injured with minor wounds and abrasions, much like living organisms

they explained how they mixed collagen and human dermal fibroblasts to create a skin solution. They then submerged a robotic finger into the substance and witnessed the material tightly conform to the three-joined robotic body part to give the look of a real human finger.

Shoji Takeuchi, a professor at the University of Tokyo and the lead author of this study, believes that living skin is the “ultimate solution” for giving humanoid robots a realistic appearance because the material used to create the skin replica cultivated the same visual texture and unique capabilities that we would expect of skin on living organisms.

Scientists want people to feel comfortable interacting with humanoids, especially in the healthcare and service industries.

They recognize that a human-like appearance is an important factor to make robots more approachable and relatable, noting that they could yet incorporate hair follicles, nails, and sweat glands to further refine the details of the skin.

Ever here about a place called Mohenjo Daro

Radiation still so intense, the area is highly dangerous. A heavy layer of radioactive ash in Rajasthan, India, covers a three-square mile area, ten miles west of Jodhpur. Scientists are investigating the site, where a housing development was being built.

For some time it has been established that there is a very high rate of birth defects and cancer in the area under construction. The levels of radiation there have registered so high on investigators’ gauges that the Indian government has now cordoned off the region. Scientists have unearthed an ancient city where evidence shows an atomic blast dating back thousands of years, from 8,000 to 12,000 years, destroyed most of the buildings and probably a half-million people. One researcher estimates that the nuclear bomb used was about the size of the ones dropped on Japan in 1945.

The Mahabharata clearly describes a catastrophic blast that rocked the continent.

Without limits or boundaries the world gets people like fauci, the killer of children & dogs

” That’s the allusion of the flea circus thinking you are in control, mmm good ice cream Hammond”