One more cup of coffee

The post title, is a title of an old Bob Dylan song from the ISIS album

Hold on, G’damn bug, get out of my coffee, inserts finger, flings dead bug

the yellow footprints came to mind, as in, if they mean nothing to you or understand them, don’t worry about it, it’s not for you to understand. I could tell you but thickness of the paint & the asphalt they are painted on isn’t possible for others to understand. To understand them, one must stand on them. They contain knowledge reserved for the crazy brave, the invincible and the full of wonder. It’s something carried inside the heart for the rest of life.

Semper fi Brothers

Some insight

File under:

telling it like it is

Sips coffee,

it’s a good thing God didn’t ban rocks after Cain killed Able, otherwise David would have been defenseless against Goliath

Sips coffee

It’s the one constant in life, you build something worth having, some asshole is gonna come along and try to take it.

I’m alright

Justin James, reminds me of the Albino brothers, Johnny & Edgar Winters without the drugs.

Here he plays the ammo can guitar

Thing about Blues, one either likes it or they don’t

I like how Justin explains the shovel guitar