SCOTUS Overturns Roe and Casey

In what was probably the most anticipated case on the Supreme Court docket this term, Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization, the Justices ruled there is no Constitutional right to abortion.

In a 6-3 split, the Court ruled the Mississippi law restricting abortions underpinning the case Constitutional, while a narrower 5-4 split overturned both Roe v Wade (1973) and Planned Parenthood v Casey (1992). The majority opinion was authored by Samuel Alito and joined by Thomas, Gorsuch, Kavanaugh and Barrett. Chief Justice Roberts authored a separate concurrence that upheld the Mississippi law but arguing the court shouldn’t have gone so far as to overturn Roe and Casey. Justices Breyer, Sotomayor and Kagan filed a joint dissent.

You can read the decision here.

This editor does not have a strong opinion about the topic of abortion, however, he does have strong opinions about Roe v Wade. The ruling was an abomination foisted upon the country by an activist bench. Nowhere in the constitution is there a right to abort an unborn child. The right to do so was made up out of whole cloth and fairy dust. The Court was correct in ignoring stare decis and overturning Roe and by extension Casey.

The net legal effect of this decision is that abortion law will be returned to the states. Most states have already passed legislation on abortion since the leak of the draft opinion in February.

There will be other effects. I fully expect there to be violent “protests” this weekend. Terrorists groups like Jane’s List and Ruth Sent Us have already started attacking pregnancy services centers. Look for more and more of that. If you live in a major population center, be prepared for disruptions. Hurry out right now and get your weekend errands done before there is time for these terrorists to organize and the riots, errr, protests to start. And for God’s sake, be safe out there.