The Hive Cannot Stand

Hi, all. Leo here – it’s been a while since I did one of these. I won’t bore you with the reasons – the simple answer is that I didn’t have anything I really felt compelled to write about.

Now I do.

I present to you the Future of Mankind – a bugmen hive.

Those are of course screenshots – I don’t want to drive traffic to Twitter, and who knows if @Phoron4 will be banned any day now. Anyway, I have a few thoughts.

Hopefully the above scenario is just as repugnant to you as it is to me. However, I would like to offer some reassurance: this will not be the future.

To understand why, we need to delve a bit into philosophy for a moment. Allow me to present you with a concept:

A rose by any other name would still smell as sweet.

Classic Shakespeare, but it serves to illustrate an important philosophical concept: the actual sounds we make when we speak and the symbols we write may ultimately have only arbitrary links to each other or to the ideas we are attempting to convey – but that same arbitrariness doesn’t extend to the real things language describes. Language might be a social construct, but it’s a construct built around an objective reality; a reality that our minds have to categorize in pieces, because we can’t comprehend all of it at once.

If that sounds reasonable to you, you’ve internalized the metaphysical concept of “the primacy of existence“. What this means is that you’ve accepted implicitly that the real world existed before you did, and it will continue to exist after you are gone – thus your thoughts and actions have to work within the limitations given to you by the world, and any judgments you make about the state of the world have informational content about things separate from your own consciousness.

This is the foundation of objectivity.

The other side of this coin is “the primacy of consciousness“, and it means your consciousness and perception create the reality you live in. There are no limitations imposed on us by reality, only socially-constructed limitations on our minds that prevent us from perceiving anything we want to see and making real anything we want to imagine.

This is the foundation of subjectivity.

I bring up this divide because all scientific and technological advances are based on the former philosophy – in order for Man to command Nature, he must understand the natural law. No amount of relabeling or redefining gravity – and no amount of insisting that the theory of universal gravitation is racist because Newton was white – will make water run uphill. Developing something like a pump requires the implicit, internalized assumption that water will not do so, and instead must be physically moved uphill by mechanical means.

This is the white pill I have to offer you: Wokism is completely lacking in the ideological infrastructure needed to deal with reality.

Probably the best illustration of the problem can be seen in the 1957 novel ‘Atlas Shrugged’, but it’s easy enough to explain: the hives these bugmen intend for humanity to inhabit cannot sustain themselves. They might prioritize the cities over the hinterlands, but not as part of a deliberate plan to depopulate the latter – instead they will do it out of desperation. We aren’t dealing with highly capable technocrats like Elon Musk and Jeff Bezos trying to take over the world – we’re dealing with low-functioning alcoholic journalists and ancom Furries.

Anyone with the technical skills needed to make the water treatment plants function (plants that these bugmen hives cannot survive without) will very quickly run into the brick wall that is the Wokist ideologues who will be their overseers. These overseers will have all the zeal of a lifelong jihadist but will lack entirely his physical acumen. An ideological movement that cannot espouse a concrete definition of “woman” cannot make a civilization completely dependent on advanced machinery function – what remains of their minds cannot accept the reality the existence of those machines is showing them, that water cannot be made to run uphill merely by fighting against the limitations of our imaginations, or by claiming that the top of a hill identifies as the bottom.

And they aren’t going to let it go. The Woke ideology is the only path these people have to power and status – a meritocratic society would have a place for them, but only at the bottom rung of the ladder. A society where emotional blackmail and sophistry are marketable job skills is the only one where they can succeed, and they will absolutely fight to the death to keep it.

Fortunately for us, they can’t fight for shit, and their ideology is completely sterile – if we can but wrest our children away from them, they’ll starve and die, and nothing of value will be lost. Complex machinery requires a complex mind to comprehend – complex societies cannot be run by people who mindlessly chant slogans. Rockets cannot be built by mobs of people who can’t successfully grow a potato. Or as Tolkien put it: “The Shadow that bred them can only mock, it cannot make: not real new things of its own.”

Make no mistake: the next few years will be rough. The existing cracks in the system will widen. It’s not clear that the Republic will survive – it might, but in a very different form. But all wars are wars of attrition, and as they damage the system they purport to govern they will continue to rob themselves of the very resources necessary to keep it going.

It’s going to take a while, but we will prevail. Keep the faith alive, keep your spine straight, keep calm and keep your rifle by your side.