‘Brandon Falls’

Color me shocked that Google has allowed this to occur. It would appear even Delawarians find Biden laughable.

Place Where Biden Face-Planted Off Bike Is Named ‘Brandon Falls’ On Google Maps

Authored by Steve Watson via Summit News,

The place where Joe Biden face planted into the concrete falling off his bike last month has been named as ‘Brandon Falls’ on Google Maps.

Someone has managed to place a landmark in the Delaware location, naming it after the infamous ‘Lets go Brandon’ chant, which was initiated after the White House claimed Nascar fans were not chanting ‘F*ck Joe Biden’ when they totally were.

At time of writing, ‘Brandon Falls’ is still listed as a ‘historical landmark’ on Google Maps:

Search “Brandon falls” on google maps
😂 pic.twitter.com/vNUYd3KQEn— Boo (@TheBirdAndBoo) July 18, 2022

Google Maps Shows New Historical Landmark: Brandon Falls

“Is this a good place for falling off your bike while shaking hands with your sycophants?”

“There’s no where better!”

People are ruthless. I LOVE it 😂

How long until Google removes it? I’m surprised it’s still up. pic.twitter.com/nmQoo6qP7E— JARZA (@Tarzan_Tabletti) July 18, 2022

It’s an official Strava cycling route now too. pic.twitter.com/RHgpvFwPqu— Dr. Platimus (@SWGaspar) July 18, 2022

There is also a bicycle shop at Brandon Falls:

People have even left reviews of the place:

As we highlighted yesterday, people at Brandon Falls and beyond are reenacting the historical moment and labelling it #bidening or #BidenBikeChallenge:

That crosswalk should be a historic site at this point #bideningpic.twitter.com/3bw8k7b4PP— Old Row (@OldRowViral) July 17, 2022

This #Bidening trend is getting out of hand…😂😂😂 pic.twitter.com/L5nevwwBju— il Donaldo Trumpo (@PapiTrumpo) July 17, 2022

#Bidening pic.twitter.com/8m2OTzmJe0— Old Row (@OldRowViral) July 13, 2022

pic.twitter.com/Oxit76oxzL— Old Row (@OldRowViral) July 12, 2022

This will never get old.

President Joe Biden fell when he tried to get off his bike at the end of a ride Saturday at Cape Henlopen State Park near his beach home in Delaware, but wasn’t hurt in the tumble. https://t.co/pu2QjQH0Llpic.twitter.com/L05WjnB8WI— ABC News (@ABC) June 18, 2022